Artikel over Design Thinking in OD

OD (OverheidsDocumentatie) vroeg mij de aftrap over Design Thinking te schrijven voor hun themanummer ‘Archiving by Design’. Simpel gezegd is Design Thinking denken als een ontwerper, maar hoe kan “denken als een ontwerper” ons helpen bij het aanpakken van VUCA vraagstukken? Spoiler: het gaat om mensen en vergt een andere logica. Dan weet je datContinue reading “Artikel over Design Thinking in OD”

Do Not Assume: Embed & Engage

Roll-in strategy and communication Do Not Assume… your language is everyone else’s language. When the problem is known, ideas have been created and prototypes have been tested and improved upon with feedback, we do technical and economic feasibility studies and roll-out our plans. This implementation phase will then lead to the big bang adoption ofContinue reading “Do Not Assume: Embed & Engage”

Do Not Assume: Experiment & Embody

Test and learn from prototypes Do Not Assume… you know how your ideas will work out in the real world. By now you’ve looked into the lived experience of the problem and generated completely new and brilliant ideas. All that is left is to implement them full fledge right? Wrong! To make sure you are tacklingContinue reading “Do Not Assume: Experiment & Embody”

Do Not Assume: Explore & Expedition

Wicked ideas to tackle wicked problems Do Not Assume… your present knowledge can solve the problem. When we encounter a problem and try to solve it, the most common sensical thing to do is to use our common sense. We dig into our knowledge and experience to find something we can apply to the problemContinue reading “Do Not Assume: Explore & Expedition”

Do Not Assume: Experience & Empathy

A deep understanding of the lived problem Do Not Assume… that you know what the problem is. We often just assume that we know what the problem is  but from the outside the problem can look different from how it is experienced by those living it. We gather data, numbers and other information from reportsContinue reading “Do Not Assume: Experience & Empathy”

Design Thinking

On an everyday basis we deal with tough, complex, resilient, wicked problems, in which different interests are at stake and where actions may lead to unexpected and even undesirable consequences. These problems require our greatest effort: they are hard to manage, measure, control or predict. Often we try to dumb these problems down. We tame them,Continue reading “Design Thinking”